Kamis, 15 November 2012

Three Side Profile F-80C Shooting Star

F-80C Shooting Star 35th FBS/8th FBW USAF
File size : 659 kb
Sheet size : A3
File type : PDF (high resolution) & PNG


Minggu, 11 November 2012

Three Side Profile Spitfire F.Mk.11VE

Spitfire F.Mk.11VE No.28 Squadron Royal Air Force
File size : 641 kb
Sheet size : A3
File type : PDF (high resolution) & PNG


Three Side Profile F-16D Barak

F-16D Barak Tajeset 105 The Scorpion IDF/AF
File size : 937 kb
Sheet size : A3
File type : PDF (high resolution) & PNG


Kamis, 08 November 2012

Academy MiG-21bis Fishbed-L Scale 1/48

Hi... My name Chris Wauchop. I want share my experience building MiG-21bis at 1/48 scale in 1996, not long after the Academy MiG-21MF Fishbed-J kit was released. Aftermarket accessories were not as prevalent in the mid-1990s as they are today, especially for such a recently released kit as Academy's MiG-21MF Fishbed-J. I must scratch built the cockpit interior, including dozens of tiny switches on the side consoles, and also significantly rebuilding Academy's KM-1M ejection seat.

Additions and modifications for upgrade MiG-21MF to MiG-21bis include :
  • Trailing edge static dischargers from fine wire with a red-painted blob of super   glue on the end
  • Nose probe extended
  • Wheel well plumbing added using solder
  • Landing gear hydraulics added using solder
  • Angle of attach sensor added to port side of nose using plastic card
  • Wing leading edge antennas and navigation lights added, using Krystal Kleer
  • Trailing antennas on top of tail added
  • All small cooling intakes etc, hollowed out
  • Tyres slightly flattened

The model was painted using the Testor Aztek A470 airbrush. Being built nine years ago, I'm cannot recall all the exact paint colours and brands used for this model. I remember that the lower surface colour was Gunze RLM 76 Light Blue. However, I applied weathering techniques, including post-shading panel lines with a thinly sprayed mix of Tamiya acrylic Red Brown and Black. 

Markings for this Angolan subject were sourced from Aeromaster Decals sheet 48-240. The camouflage pattern on the decal instructions differed significantly from those seen on reference photos in World Air Power Journal Vol. 19. I'm used the reference photos as guide. The national markings and aircraft numbers were weathered by carefully hand painting over the decals with the underlying camouflage colours... Enjoy!

Hasegawa F-8E Crusader Scale 1/48

Hi..., I’m Mark A Sindiong. Here is Hasegawa’s new 1/48 scale F-8E Crusader. After roughly 20 hours of work over a week and a half, I’ve finally finished this new kit. The model was built 99.8% box stock with the only exception being the addition of two AIM-9s stolen from a Hasegawa weapon set (no air to air ordinance is included in the kit). Why did I decide to build this straight out of the box? Primarily, to enter it in our local IPMS chapter’s box stock night and I was anxious to see how the kit went together. Well, all I can say is that it went together! 

The kit was pretty straight forward, but there are many small fit issues. The cockpit was assembled and painted and all the other interior parts attached then sandwiched between the two fuselage halves. There were not fit problems encountered there. One note - make sure you remember to put all the poly caps in place per the instructions. 

The wing was then assembled and the flaps animated in their lowered position. There was a slight problem with the fit of the leading edge flaps in their lowered position. A little sanding corrected this quickly. Again remember the poly caps, this time inside the wing. The wing was then attached to the fuselage so I could get an idea of what the aircraft looked like with the wing in the raised position and that’s when I discovered the next fit issue. 

The flaps actually contact the fuselage with the wings raised and the flaps lowered. It took quite a bit of sanding to correct this, but luckily it doesn’t appear to be that noticeable and the shape of the flaps had not been changed. I’m pretty sure that this is actually a fit issue with the kit and not something I screwed up. But who knows, it may just be my building skills…The rest of the kit went together pretty well, but here’s a quick list of some of the other quirks I discovered over the build :

Number-01, the ejection seat interfered with the canopy and required sanding to allow the canopy to close. (maybe my mistake...)
Number-02, ejector pin marks. Several located on the model, many of which can easily be seen on the built up kit. Both the outboard leading edge flaps and outer portions of the pylons suffer from large ejector pin marks.
Number-03, burner can and augmenter. Both need to be sanded to achieve a flush fit of the jet exhaust area.
Number-04, somewhat weak panel lines on the belly of the fuselage and misalignment on many of the Zuni warheads (really poor molding on a couple of them).
Number-05, frosty canopy that required a lot of polishing (at least in this kit). That’s pretty much it for the areas of irritation I encountered. I also corrected a few of the small quirks, but didn’t mess with opening the canopy. I am saving that for my next Hase F-8 Crusader project. 

Moving to painting, I took a different approach to what I normally do. I didn’t have Model Master colors for the exterior and decided to prime and paint the model using Gunze lacquers. Both the gull grey and white were thinned at approximated 60% thinner to 40% paint. This provided me with a really smooth durable finish that dried extremely fast. The paints were applied using my Thayer & Chandler Vega 2000 airbrush (gravity feed). Detail parts were painted with Model Master enamels and Alcad II metallic lacquers. Once the primary colors and detail colors were complete, the decals were added. 

Decaling the kit was straight forward using the kits decals. This time I used some additional Gunze products and achieved some really nice results. Before I placed the decal in its spot, I coated the respected area with Gunze Mr. Decal set and then followed up with Mr. Mark Softer to get the decals to conform to the model surface. I’m not sure if it was just dumb luck or if Mr. Decal set is some kind of amazing product, but there was absolutely no silvering once this process was complete. I’m sold on these Gunze products. 

Next was weathering, the final step for this model. Again I used another different technique, one I never tried before. I tried the technique described by Mr. Paul Boyer called a “sludge wash”. I ended up using some Testers Model Master acrylics, thinned with water and a few drops of dishwashing detergent. The sludge was then added to the models panel lines with a small brush section by section. This wash dries very quickly, so you have to be fast in wiping it away before it really sets up. I was really happy with the effect, but I didn’t take Mr. Boyer’s advice on the colors to use. In his Fine Scale article he suggests a medium gray and I used gunship gray, far to dark for this paint scheme. Oh well, I screwed up and will use the lighter gray on my next similar project. That’s pretty much it for the kit. I created a very simple generic base to place the model on. I neglected to mention the additional weathering with some pastel chalks, but really didn’t do too much of that. I wanted to keep the aircraft relatively clean representing the CAGs aircraft parked on a navel air station ramp.

Even with some of the fit issues and possible accuracy issues (most of which I have no clue of), I found this kit still enjoyable to build and quite convincing as an F-8 Crusader. I am looking forward to building several more in some of the fancy liveries these aircraft flew in.... Mahalo Nui Loa! 

Rabu, 07 November 2012

Hasegawa Canadair Sabre Mk.6 Scale 1/48

Hello guys...... I’m Mike Robertson. I will share experience when building Canadair Sabre Mk.6. The basis of this kit is the Hasegawa Luftwaffe Sabre that included resin wingtips to reduce the span thus providing the slatted 6-3 wing. The markings are from On Target Decals sheet number MA-48120 which feature aircraft profiled in On Target Profiles No.6, North American, Canadair, and Commonwealth F-86 Sabre from RAF, RCAF, RAAF, SAAF, Pakistani AF, and Royal Malaysian AF service, published by The Aviation Workshop Publications and authored by Jon Freeman.

Generally, the kit went together quite well with light filling required at the lower wing to fuselage joins. The nose cone caused some difficulty due to the larger circumference of this part in relation to the attachment area on the forward fuselage. Considerable sanding was required to obtain a good finish. The resin wing tips were a generally poor fit overall being thinner in section and a butt fit as provided. Holes were drilled in the resin tips and area of the wing where they join to provide strength by inserting plastic rod. This was followed by a coat of filler to increase the tip thickness to match the wing and the inevitable sanding, filling, sanding process to obtain an even thickness. The scoop found on the right fuselage adjacent to the speed brake was removed as this is appropriate for the F86F-40 Sabre of the JASDF. 

The ‘sugar scoop’ intakes were made from plastic strip and square stock and slowly shaped to match photos. The Sabre featured is an ex-Luftwaffe jet and featured a Martin Baker ejection seat. The seat used in the kit is from the Hasegawa F-8E Crusader and modified to represent the seat fitted to Luftwaffe Sabres. 

The author notes that the ex-Luftwaffe Sabres flown by the Pakistani Air Force may have retained their Luftwaffe colours. This is the choice I made and I welcome information from any modeller that can shed some light on the subject as I am planning a similar project in 1/32 scale. Xtra colour Luftwaffe enamels were used to paint the kit. The initial coats of each colour were lightened with white then weathering was applied with darker tones of the colours to reflect the appearance of the aircraft operating in the climate of Pakistan. The decals were applied using Micro set and sol with no adverse reactions. The decals were in register apart from one minor inconsistency with one roundel. A final coat of Testor's semi-matt varnish was applied to seal the decals. 

I am quite happy with the end result in general. I didn’t quite get the sit of the open speed brakes right and the ‘sugar scoops’ look a little too big but then, that leaves me room for improvement. Many thanks to Jon Freeman for the inspiration from the book and, the Pakistani Air Force for painting their Sabres. If you want to build Pakistani F-86 Sabre Mk.6, this kit the best choice...

Selasa, 06 November 2012

Three Side Profile HH-53C Super Jolly Green Giant

HH-53C Super Jolly Green Giant 40th ARRSS USAF
File size : 666 kb
Sheet size : A3
File type : PDF (high resolution) & PNG


Minggu, 04 November 2012

World War-I Two Side Warship Profile

HMS Queen Mary (Battlecruiser), Royal Navy
HMS Dreadnought (Battleship), Royal Navy
Download HMS Dreadnought

SMS Konig (Battleship), Kaiserliche Marine
Download SMS Konig

SMS Seydlitz (Battlecruiser), Kaiserliche Marine

Kamis, 01 November 2012

Three Side Profile F-105G Wild Weasel III

F-105G Wild Weasel III 333rd TFS/355th TFW USAF
File size : 1 mb
Sheet size : A3
File type : PDF (high resolution) & PNG


Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012

Three Side Profile S-3B Viking

S-3B Viking VS-24 Scouts US Navy
File size : 895 kb
Sheet size : A3
File type : PDF (high resolution) & PNG


Mikoyan Gurevich MiG-35 Fulcrum-F : The Next Generation Fulcrum Variants

Debut pertamanya pada Aero India 2007 cukup mengundang perhatian banyak orang. Pesawat ini sudah pasti menjadi kekuatan baru bagi armada udara Rusia. India sebagai pelanggan Fulcrum telah menunjukkan pula keinginan kuat untuk mengakuisisinya. 

Pengembangan MiG-29M/M2
Tampilan MiG-35 (NATO = Fulcrum-F) sebenarnya sudah tidak asing lagi bagi para pengamat dirgantara. Bentuknya identik dengan varian MiG-29 lainnya, hanya saja muatan teknologinya lebih canggih. Sebagai pengembangan dari MiG-29M/M2 Fulcrum-E, varian MiG-35 memang memiliki banyak keunggulan dan disiapkan untuk menjadi pengganti bagi armada lawas MiG-29 Fulcrum-A maupun pesawat lainnya yang sekelas. Kapasitas bahan bakarnya lebih besar dari Fulcrum-E dan dilengkapi empat sistem fly by wire untuk sistem kontrol terbangnya. Kemunculan proyek MiG-35 sendiri tidak lepas dari campur tangan Menteri Pertahanan Rusia (Sergei Ivanov) yang ingin mengaplikasikan perangkat penjejak bernama optical locator system (OLS) lansiran NII-PP dan radar AESA Zhuk-AE rancangan NIIR Phazotron pada pesawat tempur garis depan Rusia. Singkatnya, RSK MiG kemudian mengeluarkan varian MiG-35 (single seat) dan MiG-35D (two-seat). Karena dirancang sebagai pesawat multi-misi, MiG-35 juga mengadopsi sejumlah teknologi dari varian MiG-29K/KUB Fulcrum-D yang beroperasi dari kapal induk.

Varian awak ganda MiG-35D Fulcrum-F sedang melakukan akrobatik udara pada acara MAKS 2007. Sebagai ajang promosi, pada tahun itu juga pihak RSK MiG memboyong MiG-35D pada acara Aero India 2007.

Varian MiG-29M Fulcrum-E yang menjadi dasar pengembangan MiG-35. Pihak MiG OKB mengembangkan MiG-29M sejak tahun 80an, namun batal diproduksi massal karena bubarnya Uni Soviet dan munculnya resesi ekonomi di Rusia pada awal tahun 90an.

Sistem Avionik & Persenjataan
Untuk urusan avionik, MiG-35 dijejali dengan barbagai perangkat sensor terbaru. Salah satunya adalah adalah perangkat OLS yang dihubungkan dengan helmet-mounted target designation system dan ground controlled interception (GCI). Ketepatan deteksi dari perangkat ini sangat mengagumkan. Bukan hanya target di udara saja, target di permukaan bumi macam tank atau kapal perang bisa dideteksi dengan ketepatan tinggi dari jarak yang tidak mungkin dilihat mata telanjang. Display-nya pun dapat dipilih dalam mode inframerah, TV, atau kombinasi keduanya. Karena itu pilot MiG-35 bisa melihat tampilan target beserta informasinya melalui tiga layar LCD multi-function display (untuk varian MiG-35D, pada kokpit WSO dipasang empat LCD) berwarna. Kemampuan deteksi OLS sendiri secara garis besar adalah :

Untuk target di udara
  • Dapat mendeteksi target tanpa gas afterburning dari jarak 45 km.
  • Mengidentifikasi target dari jarak 8-10 km.
  • Dapat mengestimasi target pada jarak hingga 15 km.
Untuk target di permukaan
  • Dapat mendeteksi target sekelas tank secara efektif pada jarak hingga 15 km. Untuk kapal induk sekitar 60-80 km.
  • Mengidentifikasi jenis tank dari jarak 8-10 km. Untuk kapal perang sekitar 40-60 km.
  • Dapat mengestimasi target pada jarak hingga 20 km.

Untuk urusan radar, MiG-35 sudah mengadopsi radar Phazotron Zhuk-AE berkemampuan active electronically scanning aray (AESA). Radar ini sudah kompatibel dengan perangkat OLS yang menggantikan sensor IRST. Selain itu, sistem AESA mampu menangkal serangan ECM lawan, mendeteksi secara simulatan target di darat dan udara secara bersamaan, dan jarak deteksinya lebih jauh dari radar Zhuk-M. Untuk pertahanan defensif, perangkat seperti radio electronic reconnaissance, electronic counter measures, optronic systems, atau laser emission detector dapat dipasang pada tiap wing tip. Jika perangkat ini mendeteksi adanya rudal yang mengejar, sistem pertahanan defensif akan terhubung secara otomatis dengan decoy dispensers untuk segera melakukan pengecohan. Karena bersifat multifungsi, MiG-35 dapat menjalankan misi tempur berbeda sekali terbang pada kondisi cuaca apapun.

Tampilan kokpit pilot MiG-35D Fulcrum-F tampak dilengkapi dengan tiga LCD dengan ukuran yang cukup besar. Desain kokpitnya dirancang secara egronomik sehingga pilot dapat menerbangkan pesawatnya dengan nyaman.

Kokpit belakang MiG-35D untuk Weapons System Officer yang dilengkapi dengan empat LCD ukuran besar. MiG-35D dirancang sebagai pesawat multi-misi dengan misi utama sebagai pesawat serang darat dan anti-kapal, sehingga dibutuhkan dua awak untuk dapat mengoperasikan pesawat yang dilengkapi sistem terbang dan persenjataan yang kompleks. Selain itu MiG-35D juga dapat berfungsi sebagai pesawat latih-tempur.

Tampilan radar Zhuk-AE lansiran NIIR Phazotron pada hidung MiG-35D. Radar Zhuk-AE merupakan jenis Active Electronically Scanning Array (AESA) yang dapat mendeteksi 30 target dari jarak 130 km, dimana 6 diantaranya dapat langsung terkunci.

Lebih jauh lagi, RSK MiG bekerjasama dengan Elt Elettronica asal Italia akan mengembangkan multifunction self-protection jammer terbaru untuk MiG-35. Tentunya hal ini merupakan keinginan dari RSK MiG agar MiG-35 dapat menghadapi penempur-penempur Barat generasi keempat, bahkan generasi kelima. Untuk persenjataannya, MiG-35 dilengkapi dengan satu kanon Gryazev Shipunov GSh-30 kaliber 30 mm (150 peluru) dan sembilan pylon dengan jenis persenjataan yang biasa dibawa MiG-29 seperti rudal anti-pesawat AA-12 Adder, AA-11 Archer, AA-10 Alamo, hingga bom pintar KAB-500L/Kr dan rudal anti-kapal Kh-31A (AS-17 Krypton).

Tampilan layout MiG-35D Fulcrum-F lengkap dengan berbagai jenis avionik dan persenjataan yang dapat dipasang. Berdasarkan teknologi yang diusung, MiG-35D masuk kategori pesawat tempur generasi keempat + (plus) seperti halnya Rafale, F-16C Block-50, dan Eurofighter Typhoon.

Mesin Klimov RD-33MK
Sebagai sumber tenaga, RSK MiG mengadopsi mesin turbofan Klimov tipe RD-33MK yang juga mentenagai MiG-29K/KUB. Mesin ini mempunyai maximum thurst 9.000 kgf (RD-33 = 8.300 kgf) dan dilengkapi vector thrust nozzles yang dapat meningkatkan combat efficiency hingga 12-15%. Karena dipakai juga oleh varian Fulcrum-D, tentunya mesin ini dilengkapi lapisan anti korosi yang intensif. Hal yang sama berlaku juga pada setiap bagian vital pesawat. Alhasil MiG-35 dapat pula menjalankan misi tempur maritim layaknya Su-33 Flanker-D atau F/A-18E/F Super Hornet.

Tampilan mesin RD-33MK yang dirancang oleh Klimov OKB. Mesin ini dapat dilengkapi dengan perangkat vectored thrust nozzles yang dapat meningkatkan manuver tempur hingga 15%. Mesin RD-33MK juga tidak mengeluarkan asap (smokeless).

Spesifikasi MiG-35 Fulcrum-F
  • Kru : 1 (MiG-35) atau 2 (MiG-35D)
  • Panjang : 17,3 m
  • Lebar sayap : 12 m
  • Tinggi : 4,7 m
  • Berat kosong : 11.000 kg
  • Berat maksimum take-off : 29.700 kg
  • Mesin : 2 x Klimov RD-33MK afterburning turbofan. Daya dorong normal 53 kN/mesin
  • Kecepatan maksimum : 2.400 km/h (at altitude) atau 1.450 km/h (at sea level)
  • Ferry range : 3.100 km dengan tiga external fuel tanks
  • Combat range : 1.000 km
  • Tinggi : 4,7 m (15 ft 6 in)
  • Ketinggian maksimum : 19.000 m
  • Rate of climb : 330 m/s
  • TWR : 1,03
  • Senjata internal : 1 x kanon Gryazev Shipunov GSh-30-1 kaliber 30 mm dengan kapasitas 150 peluru
  • Hardpoints : Sembilan titik cantelan senjata dapat membawa muatan total seberat 6.500 kg dengan kombinasi rudal anti-pesawat, rudal serang darat, rudal anti-kapal, rudal anti-radiasi, berbagai jenis roket, bom pintar, dan bom konvensional
  • Rudal anti-pesawat (air to air missile) : R-27, R-73, R-77
  • Rudal serang darat (air to surface missile) : Kh-25MAE, Kh-29L/TE, Kh-35, Kh-38ME
  • Rudal anti-radiasi (anti-radiation missile) : Kh-31PD
  • Rudal anti-kapal (anti-ship missile) : Kh-31AD
  • Bom pintar : KAB-500Kr, KAB-500L, KAB-500S-E GLONASS
  • Bom konvensional : FAB-250, FAB-500
  • Roket : S-8, S-13, S-24, S-25

Senin, 29 Oktober 2012

World War-II Two Side Warship Profile

HMS Belfast (Light Cruiser), Royal Navy

HMS Cossack (Destroyer), Royal Navy
Download HMS Cossack

HMS Nelson (Battleship), Royal Navy
Download HMS Nelson

HMS Hood (Battlecruiser), Royal Navy

HMS Rodney (Battleship), Royal Navy

HNMS De Ruyter (Light Cruiser), Koninklijke Marine
Download HNMS De Ruyter

IJN Yamato (Battleship), Dai-Nippon Teikoku Kaigun
Download IJN Yamato

IJN Aoba (Heavy Cruiser), Dai-Nippon Teikoku Kaigun

IJN Takao (Heavy Cruiser), Dai-Nippon Teikoku Kaigun
Download IJN Takao

IJN Mutsu (Battleship), Dai-Nippon Teikoku Kaigun

IJN Kongo (Battleship), Dai-Nippon Teikoku Kaigun
Download IJN Kongo

IJN Taiho (Aircraft Carrier), Dai-Nippon Teikoku Kaigun
Download IJN Taiho

IJN Kagero (Destroyer), Dai-Nippon Teikoku Kaigun
Download IJN Kagero

IJN Yukikaze (Destroyer), Dai-Nippon Teikoku Kaigun
Download IJN Yukikaze

KMS Admiral Scheer (Pocket Battleship), Kriegsmarine
Download KMS Admiral Scheer

KMS Admiral Graf Spee (Pocket Battleship), Kriegsmarine
Download KMS Admiral Graf Spee

KMS Bismarck (Battleship), Kriegsmarine
Download KMS Bismarck

KMS Tirpitz (Battleship), Kriegsmarine
Download KMS Tirpitz

KMS Prinz Eugen (Heavy Cruiser), Kriegsmarine
Download KMS Prinz Eugen

KMS Scharnhorst (Battlecruiser), Kriegsmarine
Download KMS Scharnhorst

USS California BB-44 (Battleship), US Navy
Download USS California BB-44

USS Colorado BB-45 (Battleship), US Navy
Download USS Colorado BB-45

USS Lexington CV-2 (Aircraft Carrier), US Navy
Download USS Lexington CV-2

USS Saratoga CV-3 (Aircraft Carrier), US Navy
Download USS Saratoga CV-3

USS Ausburne (Destroyer), US Navy
Download USS Ausburne

HMS Exeter (Heavy Cruiser), Royal Navy
Download HMS Exeter